【National Level】Chongming Mountain Song

2023-10-09 15:28

Chongming mountain song refers to a general term of “folk song” and “ballad” in Chongming Island. Under the long-term influences of Chongming Island's unique history, geography, culture and customs, the working people have created many mountain songs for practical needs in their production and life. These songs are widely spread and accumulated over a long period, which become Chongming mountain songs with a unique artistic style.


Chongming mountain song has characteristics of Jiangnan folk song, but it has differences in content and technique. They are sung in simple, fresh, natural and fluent Chongming dialect. With the strong local characteristics, they are characterized by a combination of realism and romanticism.


Chongming mountain songs are not only straightforward and vivid, but also humorous and implicit, sincere and touching. They reflect true feelings, like pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy vividly. They have direct emotional catharsis, improvisation moved by scenes, praise and pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty, as well as lashes on falseness and ugliness.


Most Chongming mountain songs are related to labor, life, love and mourning. There are more than 30 kinds of Chongming mountain songs in common use, such as “Sijutou Mountain Song”, “Duihua Tune”, “Yilangan Tune” “Caicha Tune” “Dongsha Tune” “Paiming Tune” “Hanniu Tune” “Baiyu Bulge” and “Xiangdai Tune”.
