Puye Town's lilies offer culinary and visual delights

2024-07-12 15:40


In the midsummer season, stepping into Puye Town located in Chenjia Town, a dazzling sea of lilies greets the eye. Red, orange, yellow and white lilies compete to bloom, exuding a delightful fragrance. Each lily plant thrives, entering its peak blooming period, have turned the entire field into a colorful sea of lilies.


Puye Town, covering a total area of about 3,400 mu, is a comprehensive industrial park that integrates science education, sightseeing tourism and leisure entertainment. At present, the base is filled with various lilies basking in the sunlight, arranged in a staggered fashion, swaying gracefully. Nearby modern greenhouses, distant wind turbines and the blue sky with white clouds create a harmonious natural painting.


According to Zhu Yongzhen, the operations director of Puye Town, these lilies include a new variety cultivated in cooperation with the Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The lily sea covers about 30 mu with 12 varieties. The flowers bloom twice a year, in May and November, with each blooming period lasting about a month.


These lilies are not only highly ornamental but also edible. "Dry lilies can be used to make tea, while fresh lilies can be used in stir-fries and cold dishes," Zhu said. He indicated that future efforts would focus on the further development of the edible value of lilies, including the establishment of a deep processing production base. This will further promote the integration of agriculture with research, science education and cultural tourism industries, creating more unique tourism projects. At the same time, by encouraging local villagers to farm in the park, it aims to help farmers increase income and inject new vitality into rural revitalization.

