Chongming's early yellow peaches arrive in mid-June

2024-07-01 09:05


It's the season of peaches once again. Recently, the early yellow peaches from Chongming have freshly hit the market.


The reporter visited the Shanghai Zhonghuadi Fruit and Vegetable Cooperative located in Jianshe Town. In the cooperative's peach orchard, lush green peach trees were laden with yellow peaches, emitting an enticing aroma. Workers moved skillfully through the orchard, picking yellow peaches. According to the head of the cooperative, the first batch of peaches on the market is the "Jinxiang" variety, retailing at about 20 yuan (US$2.75) per kilogram, with a daily harvest of about 1,000 kilograms. "Jinxiang" is a standout among early yellow peach varieties, known for its large size, thin skin, juicy flesh and delicious taste. Particularly when fully ripe, they are sweet and bursting with juice, leaving a memorable flavor. Mid-June is the ripening season for "Jinxiang" peaches, with the picking period lasting about half a month.


This batch of freshly marketed yellow peaches has attracted many consumers to make purchases. Gu Hongbin, the head of the local homestay group, is one of them. He said: "Today, a guest asked me to buy two boxes of peaches. Hearing that the early peaches were available at the cooperative in the village, I hurried over to buy some, and I also got some for myself to try. The peaches here are tasty and of good quality, which makes me feel confident in my purchase."


The cooperative's peach orchard covers a total area of 110 mu. In addition to yellow peaches, the orchard also grows flat peaches, juicy peaches, and nectarines among other varieties. Throughout the growing process, the cooperative adheres to green ecological principles, avoiding herbicides, using organic fertilizers and strictly avoiding the use of highly toxic and residue-prone pesticides, ensuring the quality and safety of the peaches. Thanks to this green planting method, the cooperative's peaches were certified as Class A green food by the China Green Food Development Center in 2019, and are permitted to use the green food label.


In the coming months, other varieties of peaches from the cooperative will also gradually mature and hit the market, with the picking season continuing until mid-September.
