Nearly 100 Acres of Water Lilies Bloom at the Lotus Expo Park

2024-06-18 16:37

Recently, the Chongming Lotus Expo Park has presented a new view - nearly 100 acres of water lilies are blooming, as beautiful as an oil painting. Walking closer, you will smell the refreshing fragrance. White, gold, pink, red and purple water lilies stand tall and graceful. They look more elegant and attractive against the backdrop of lake water and green leaves. Visitors can watch the flowers quietly, wander between ponds, or take photos. It feels like walking into a real Monets Garden.


It is understood that the Lotus Expo Park covers an area of 560 acres and has more than 800 world-famous lotus species. In addition to the main flower lotus, the water lily pond covering nearly 100 acres is another feature. There are nearly 100 varieties of water lilies in the park, including Chinese Red, Ancient Red Charm, and Bamboo Sunset. A person in charge of the Lotus Expo Park told reporters, Although water lilies are not as popular as lotus, with the continuous spread of flower culture in recent years, the popularity of water lilies has been increasing. The water lily pond has seen more visitors.

The flowering period of water lily is relatively long, lasting from May to October every year. The peak is from May to August every year, so it is currently the best time to watch water lilies. The Park reminds citizens that water lilies are sensitive to sunlight and often bloom during the day and close at night. Under normal sunlight, the flowering time is around 10 am to 4 pm. On rainy days, the flowering time will change according to sunlight conditions.
