A Variety of Mulberries Go to the Market, Bringing the Sweet Delicacy in Early Summer to Citizens

2024-06-04 09:59

With a sweet and sour taste, delicate fragrance, thick flesh and rich juice, mulberries are one of the most popular fruits in early summer. In this season, mulberries grow mature. Many varieties of mulberries from Chongming have been put on the market, bringing a bite of enjoyment to citizens.

In the orchard of Qiangsheng Agricultural Company in Dongping Town, the new variety of mulberry Long Fruit Mulberry is about 8-12 cm long. The longest can reach 18 cm. It is sweeter and juicier than ordinary mulberries. The person in charge of the orchard told reporters that the sugar content of ordinary mulberries is about 12 degrees, while that of Long Fruit Mulberry can reach up to 20 degrees.

Another white-green variety is called Golden Mulberry. When fully ripe, it has a milky aroma. It is very popular among people.

It is understood that the picking period for this batch of mulberries is expected to last until mid-to-early June. Citizens can go to the orchard to pick mulberries by themselves, or choose door-to-door delivery service.
