Chongming: This Industry Has A Bright Prospect

2023-02-14 15:23

2022 was the starting year for the construction of Chongming’s world-class eco-island carbon-neutralization demonstration zone, and the “Implementation Plan for Construction of Chongming World-class Eco-island Carbon-neutralization Demonstration Zone in 2022” was released. It was pointed out in the government work reports at the Chongming’s Two Sessions that we should adhere to the combination of emission reduction, source control, carbon sequestration and foreign exchange increase, orderly promote the development and utilization of renewable energy, and build a world-class eco-island carbon neutral demonstration zone.


In order to cooperate with the dual-carbon strategy, Chongming vigorously developed green new energy and achieved remarkable results. At present, the installed capacity of renewable energy in Chongming has exceeded 580,000 kilowatts, and the proportion of renewable energy power generation in the total social electricity sales has exceeded 31%.


Located in the northern subtropical zone, Chongming has an average annual sunshine time of more than 2,600 hours. It is an ideal place to develop photovoltaic power generation. Through continuous exploration in recent years, Chongming has built several photovoltaic power generation projects in Chenjia Town, Hengsha Town, and Luhua Town. In addition, Gangxi Town and Zhongxing Town are promoting the construction of the “Fishing and Light Complementation” project.


The "Fishing and Light Complementation" project located in Luhua Town achieved the double harvest of crabs and electric power. Since the full-capacity grid connection was implemented for operation on June 25, 2021, the project has combined fishery aquaculture with photovoltaic power generation by setting up photovoltaic panel arrays above the fish pond. The water area below could continue to cultivate clean-water crabs, forming a mode of generating power above and breeding crabs below. Photovoltaic panels could also reduce the water temperature and provide air-conditioned rooms for crabs that like coolness and fear heat.


In 2022, the project has generated about 60 million kWh of electric power and reduced 50,000 tons of carbon dioxide. "The Phase II project is also in progress. After being put into operation, it will produce about 100 million kilowatt-hours of green electricity annually and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 90,000 ton", said Zhu Deqiang, the project engineer.


In addition to light, Chongming utilizes the wind. Chongming Island is located in the area where the East Asian monsoon prevails. Affected by the winter and summer monsoon, especially in the offshore area where there is open area with few obstacles, it has rich wind energy resources. The annual average wind speed is 6.4 m/s, which has a good prospect for the development of wind resources. At present, there are five wind farms in Chongming, distributed in the areas including Qianshao and Qianwei, with a total installed capacity of about 291,000 kilowatts.


In the construction of biomass energy, Chongming is also steadily advancing. The Chongming Solid Waste Disposal and Comprehensive Utilization Center, located on the tidal flat in the central and northern part of Chongming Island, generates power through incineration of domestic waste to achieve the “reduction, recycling and harmlessness” comprehensive utilization and builds itself into a solid waste terminal disposal unit integrating solid waste incineration, solid waste landfill, hazardous waste landfill and kitchen treatment.


In the next stage, Chongming will develop renewable energy by focusing on broadening sources of income and reducing expenditure, promote the construction of key projects, and advocate low-carbon industrial technology and application, so as to promote the construction of Chongming's world-class ecological island to achieve a new breakthrough with the carbon neutral strategy.
